Friday, January 05, 2007

Day 5

Well I am not hungry. But I have awful heartburn and I have not visited the washroom in that ever so special way since Tuesday so I bought a different kind of senna tea today. I had this fab loose leaf stuff that I bought in London and ran out of .... this one is good, my sister swears.

I have this heartburn, my energy level is in spurts but lower than usual. I think going into this a bit sick likely is the reason. My throat is killing and I am coughing up stuff. Is this cleanse breaking up the infection or making it worse? Feels like it is breaking up. Throat is raw. I have felt like giving up a few times, not even because I am craving any particular food or anything, I just am craving some comfort of some kind. But I am tough, I have lasted 5 days and felt ok up till today, so what is a few more. I will see how long I last. If this starts to go away I may feel inspired to go longer.

Besides this is me a few weeks ago. Thinner than before the first cleanse months ago. And I did not gain one single pound back. I stayed healthy and went vegan and did not gorge over the holidays and today at day 4 am 4 lbs lighter yet.
But I digress, this is about the health !! (with a pinch of vanity tossed in?)


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