Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Cleanse # 2

Well is was October 8th when we started this the last time, some would say it is perhaps too soon to be doing it again, for me this throat / acid / sinus problem has never gone away and I am going to stick to this until it is gone. Also the old body is feeling rather blech from Holiday cheer although I tried to be good.

I officially started yesterday, which was awful as I was tired and had a headache all day. Nothing amazing to report.

Today is day two. Feeling quite hungry which is to be expected. While walking by Starbucks the smell of coffee was inticing. Going to stick to having the tea in the morning .... seems to be a good idea, does not hit until 3ish and that is fine with me. Do not want to be tied to the powder room this time.

Aiming for 14 days ... wish me luck !!


At 10:03 AM, Blogger shebytches said...

It's never too early ;)

Been planning this one since we ended the last one!


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