Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day 4

Well, I was seriously starving last night when I went to bed. My stomach was making noises I have never heard before and actually woke me up churning and gurgling. Seems better this morning although I have the usual dull ache in my intestines. Throat was bothering me last night as well and seem to be coughing up more phlegm now. I have noticed my tongue is all covered in white and my mouth in general feels yucky.

The fat is seriously melting off my stomach now. WOOHOO. I am enjoying the lemonade drink although when I premix I add the cayenne pepper as I drink each glass as I find it settles and also effects the taste of the drink the longer it sits, making it too hot. After today only 6 more days to go !!

Been going like a maniac all day and still full of energy. And not the least bit hungry either. Stomach has not growled once all day and my throat feels fine now too .... but I need to drink the laxative tea, nothing happens without it.


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