One more time with feeling
Well I have been following a diet of soft, non spicy foods, apple cider vinegar, lots of sleep (haha) and yoga and calm, and while I have had no voice the last few days I feel this is finally coming out of my head and throat. Now the hard decision. DO I start the cleanse again and ignore what the doctor says tomorrow, which I know will be yet more antibiotics, which is what I do not want in my body? OR do I opt for the healthy choice, the right choice, try this again and do at least the 10 days.
Well went to the doc about the throat this morning and he scolded me for not taking the meds, says to at least take them a month, assures me my throat issues are indeed related to this GERD and I better start taking it seriously. While I do have a sinus infection, and he gave me a nasal spray for that, which was a little piece of heaven, he says the THROAT is the acid problem and while doing a cleanse is a great thing ingesting nothing but lemon with this problem in full swing of course is going to aggravate it. I suppose that makes a bit of sense, but hey, I am stubborn. {:C) SO....I will make my priority getting healthy again and do the cleanse when I feel like doing it in the spring. I feel one must listen to their own body and while doing a "group" thing is nice is come say, we also must follow the rhythm of our own bodies when this kind of thing is concerned. I say April some time.
Day 6
Well I had a bad night last night, acid in my mouth while sleeping and I feel awful this morning so not sure drinking more lemons which is likely causing my GERD to act up is a good idea. Perhaps I will deal with this accordingly and get rid of it and then do the cleanse. After all this acid problem is not an infection or anything .... sad thing is I am not hungry and could have done this. Oh well, timing sometimes is important, and I lasted 6 days at least.
Day 5
Well I am not hungry. But I have awful heartburn and I have not visited the washroom in that ever so special way since Tuesday so I bought a different kind of senna tea today. I had this fab loose leaf stuff that I bought in London and ran out of .... this one is good, my sister swears.
I have this heartburn, my energy level is in spurts but lower than usual. I think going into this a bit sick likely is the reason. My throat is killing and I am coughing up stuff. Is this cleanse breaking up the infection or making it worse? Feels like it is breaking up. Throat is raw. I have felt like giving up a few times, not even because I am craving any particular food or anything, I just am craving some comfort of some kind. But I am tough, I have lasted 5 days and felt ok up till today, so what is a few more. I will see how long I last. If this starts to go away I may feel inspired to go longer.
Besides this is me a few weeks ago. Thinner than before the first cleanse months ago. And I did not gain one single pound back. I stayed healthy and went vegan and did not gorge over the holidays and today at day 4 am 4 lbs lighter yet.
But I digress, this is about the health !! (with a pinch of vanity tossed in?)
Day 4
Well day 3 was a nightmare. As I have mentioned I have not felt well for months, I have had a very sore throat, whether my esophagus or sinus was always open for debate, even acid reflux being blamed. After meds that did not work and this ongoing on and off irritation continuing even after the first cleanse, which I did not go long enough for, I spent the day yesterday hacking up stuff and clearing my throat till it was raw.
Strangely it does not feel as bad today, also I am not as plugged up with this cold I had when I started, but I plan on not leaving the house, as my throat seems to get worse when I go out. Allergies?
I am not remotely hungry, although if I THINK of food of course it seems appealing. Also something I learned yesterday while out. If you smell a food and it makes you hungry stop and take a deep long breath and let it sweep over you, it is rather nice and somehow almost as satisfying as eating, given your state of mind. It makes your senses heightened.
The tea is not working for me, no idea why. Drank two glasses yesterday and NADA. Will try again today !!
Cleanse # 2
Well is was October 8th when we started this the last time, some would say it is perhaps too soon to be doing it again, for me this throat / acid / sinus problem has never gone away and I am going to stick to this until it is gone. Also the old body is feeling rather blech from Holiday cheer although I tried to be good.
I officially started yesterday, which was awful as I was tired and had a headache all day. Nothing amazing to report.
Today is day two. Feeling quite hungry which is to be expected. While walking by Starbucks the smell of coffee was inticing. Going to stick to having the tea in the morning .... seems to be a good idea, does not hit until 3ish and that is fine with me. Do not want to be tied to the powder room this time.
Aiming for 14 days ... wish me luck !!