Friday, February 23, 2007
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Chad and Momma
He will be 31 next month, how the fuck did that happen?
leap frogs across the backs of many
unaware we skip.hop.laugh
our way
as though we were immune
the grey of time stamps us
little splotches here and there
as if to say, do not get
too comfortable
the un-aging neologism
of my mind, magic mirror
unsurped I rushed
recalcitrant goats through the gate
Ok, I plan on being nostalgic since my diagnosed anxiety, ok maybe it has been brought on by 13 hour days, no sex, no sleep for 62 days, 12 hours, 53 minutes. Torn between wanting to deal with this natural and wanting to take sleeping instead I will blog. It used to be chicken soup yes? How can a dead chicken and too much salt and sodium cure a cold, I ask you? So this is Kevin and I, he of my infamous story "love and the naked saxaphone player" I was 40 in this picture and he was 28. I know, pretty damn hot huh? It must have been the overalls and hair ... you should see me now.