Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Yesterday was not the most pleasant for me, but mainly because I had a throbbing headache all day and felt quite weak. I ended up drinking only 5 glasses, could not handle any more than that. I was getting heartburn and having my usual problem at the end of the day. I slept ok, my intenstines were sort of aching and felt rumbly all night which kept me awake but still I feel more energetic and normal this morning, headache is gone. I did not have a moment where my stomach growled that the lemonade did not fill me, but I am craving solids of course, I mean it is habit and normal. However I am determined to do this ..... I am going to do Yoga shortly and stay busy all day.


At 9:45 AM, Blogger shebytches said...

We just have to keep cheering each other on! We can do it!!!!!!!!!! Once we get past day three I think we will be coasting!

xo c


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