Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lonely Blog

Once upon a time there was a lonely blog called two mile blog. No one ever read this blog and the few or even one who may occasionally read it never left comments anymore. This made the blog very sad, so sad in fact the blog wandered aimlessly down the two mile road looking for other, more loved blogs.

Exhausted the blog gave up and returned to its empty halls and blank walls. The blog read a self help for blogs book, but still nothing changed. The blog decided to hell with the words and other blogs, I will just love myself.

The end


At 11:41 AM, Blogger shebytches said...

108 people have read your blog... only 93 have read mine.. and I read your blog every day and when you don't put something I feel lost... lost on a very long road... don't leave me hanging....

At 12:25 PM, Blogger viki said...

hahaha.....but didn't you think this was funny?


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